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Building Community in Learning Environments
Evidence-based Interventions for the Built Environment
"A community is a group of people with a common purpose, shared values, and agreement on goals. Communities have powerful qualities that shape learning and the power to motivate their members to exceptional performance. Community catalyzes deep learning as well as well-being and should be a critical consideration when planning physical and virtual learning spaces."
What does community mean to you?

Support &
Safe &

Community catalyzes deep learning as well as well-being and should be a critical consideration when planning physical and virtual learning spaces (Bickford, 2006).
Cultivate respectful relationships,
Emphasize common purposes and ideals,
Provide opportunities for cooperation,
Provide opportunities for autonomy and influence (Schaps, 2003).

Our Tool Kit
Identify different levels of interventions for each category to fit different timelines and budgets including major intervention, minor intervention, and re-utilization.
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